In case you want to transfer your registration to other participant, or do some minor change in your entry, you can do that on webpage In main menu choose „Entry change“ ans fill in all data about the new participant. The change must be made by the person who entered originally.
Youth support:
Reduced entry fee minus 80% for young sport talents (YOB 2001 and younger). In entry form enter discount code "BK21PDML80".
Detailed information about KDK7,5 run with dog:
Sponsor of run with dog is company Non-stop dogwear. For run with dog it is possible to rent running equipment - belt, running line and harness. You need to reserve the equipment in advance via e-mail
Drinking for dogs is provided at start and finish. Furthermore, at finish, in Non-stop dogwear tent, there will be provided special drinking for dogs from MAMUT dog nutrition and tub to cool the dogs.
Contact for run with dog: Jana Mareková +421 903 319729
Run with dog is conducted by rules stated on this page and rules, stated here.
Detailed information about KDK7,5 run with dog:
Due to summer date and hot weather that is not safe for dogs, the KDK7,5 run with dog will not take place.
Transport to the start at Kamzík is provided by a bus line nr. 144 from last stop of nr. 203 trolleybus (the stop is called Koliba). Important: On the race day, the bus will run at special service for Salomon Baba-Kamzík at 15 min. intervals, starting at 6:00.
You can check-in your bags in luggage room at Kamzík. It will be marked as "ÚSCHOVŇA". Mark your bags with ID band with your race nr. You will receive it at the luggage room check-in. If you check-in your bags, race bib will serve you for check-out.
Trophies and prizes from sponsors.
2020 00:43:51 Ján Letaši (1974) - virtual race
2020 00:48:45 Andrea Boháčová (1975) - virtual race
2020 -
2020 -